B2B Service Providers who want to escape competition and scale fast without lifting a finger...

Get At Least 7 New Clients
In The Next 30 Days
On Autopilot Using
The Outreach Infiltrator Framework

A stealth lead-generation framework that slips through filters undetected... bypasses spam filters and delivers thousands of hyper-personalized emails directly to your ideal prospects’ inboxes

Dear B2b business owner,If you have a high ticket offer and you re looking for a predictable way to acquire new clients every week... then this might be one of the most exciting message you'll come across online.In the following paragraphs, I’ll reveal how I’ve managed to create a system that makes it ridiculously easy for businesses like yours acquire at least 7 new clients every month- without spending thousands testing paid ada or hours on creating content.My name is Vikram Jha. A 25-year-old Direct Response Marketer.

Using my marketing knowledge and advertising skill... In the last 3 years has helped multiple businesses around the world scale.

Like Benjamin Yong from Singapore- One of the Asia's biggest Performance growth marketer

Arshdeep from Canada- Owner and Founder of an ecom brand

Timothy Abeyie From United Kingdom- Athlete | 2x British Champ and founder of the Speed for Sport academy in Leeds

And around a dozen other businesses like these...

I’m not here to sell you advertising, content creation, or anything similar.What I offer is more powerful—a tactical client acquisition method tht serves your business with constant stream of ready-to-buy leads and keeps your sales piepline full anytie you have a look at it.No need to spend money on ads or waste time creating content.Or even lift a finger. Every done for you, on your behalf- so you can focus more on the fulfilment side of your business.Since leaving my job in 2021 to pursue full-time freelancing, I’ve used this method to acquire clients consistently. Little did I know, I had developed a powerful strategy that allowed me to secure new clients within a week each time I needed one.I’m talking about Cold Email Outreach.Now, before you feel frustrated and leave, let me clarify: I’m not referring to just another cold email campaign you’ve seen touted by some "gurus" online.What I’m offering is a comprehensive outreach system I’ve meticulously developed over the years. This framework guarantees that any B2B (and potentially B2C) business can generate sales calls with their ideal prospects on demand.I’ve organized all these steps into a structured framework that I call…

The Outreach
Infiltrator Framework (OIF)

In the last three years, I’ve uncovered the most profound reasons why client outreach often fails.The primary problems are:• The ideal customer persona is not clearly defined.• The offer lacks strength (often mirroring what competitors sell).• Outreach messages fail to reach the prospect (ending up in spam folders or getting blocked by service providers).• Poor lead quality.• Invalid or incorrect email addresses.• Insufficient outreach efforts.• Ineffective testing strategies.• By addressing these issues, you’ll be amazed at the difference in your outreach results.I understand how complicated and overwhelming it can be for you as a business owner to navigate this process on your own, especially with other aspects of your business demanding your attention.That’s why I created the Outreach Infiltrator Framework (OIF).This system enhances your outreach deliverability by slipping through filters undetected and bypassing spam blockers. It ensures that you reach prospects who genuinely need your services with an offer they simply can’t refuse.The OIF is an 18-step checklist designed to yield significant results for any B2B business—Guaranteed!

18 Points OIF (Outreach Infiltrator Framework) Checklist

1. Detailed Target Audience Analysis
2. Domain Diversification
3. SPF Setup
4. DMARC Setup
5. SKIM Setup
6. Multiple Email Address Creation
7. Personalization
8. Offer Creation
9. Spam Filter Avoidance Techniques
10. Lead Generation
11. Lead Verification
12. Custom Domain Tracking
13. Campaign Creation
14. Engaging Subject Lines
15. Campaign Tests
16. Follow-Up
17. Performance Tracking Setup
18. Continuous Optimization

We go through every step of this checklist carefully, which in turn makes sure that your pipeline is constantly booked with appointments with your potential prospects.

Get 7-10 New High-Ticket Clients Every Month Without
Lifting A Finger. Guaranteed!

Picture this...You partnered with us, and together we developed a robust cold outreach system tailored for your business.We dive deep into understanding your target market and generate thousands of high-quality leads.Then, we craft an irresistible offer for your service and connect with those thousands of potential leads.
That’s a thousand outreach efforts each week, targeting leads who are eager for your offer, and most of those emails land in their primary inbox. We’re talking 90-95%.

With our help, you'll be reaching out to at least 500 new leads every month directly with your offer.That'll be 15,000 Emails Sent Monthly:And with...50% Open Rate: 7,500 opens5% Reply Rate: 375 replies15% Positive Replies: 56 positive replies75% Booked Meetings: 42 booked meetings75% Show-Up Rate: 31 show-ups20% Closed Clients: 7 closed clientThat's 7 new clients for your business right there.Without spending thousands on testing ads, hours creating content OR even lifting a finger on your side.This is how I can guarantee you results and this is how it can be done for your business as well.On top of closing more clients you'd be the go-to brand in your industry for the service you provide as you'd be in front of thousands of prospects every month.And the best part? You can get all this...

Without Risking a
Single Penny

If in some strange way, I fail to deliver to you what I say, I won’t charge you a single penny and will keep working for free until I get you those results.This means, there’s NO RISK, whatsoever involved here for you.• The ICP research• The offer creation• Lead generation• Campaign design• Outreach• Deliverability• Follow-up sequence• TestingEverything will be taken care of for you by the team here at OutreachersHQ.So you could focus more on the fulfillment or other important aspects of your business.
All you gotta do is one simple thing.

Schedule a
Free Call Now!

During this brief call, we'll discuss your business details to determine if we're a good fit for collaboration and how we can help you achieve the results you're seeking.If we’d be a good fit, I’ll tell you the further details to get started with building your Outreach system based on OIF (outreach infiltrator framework).Otherwise, we both can part ways with no hard feelings.So... Don’t let another week go by without maximizing your client acquisition potential.This is a risk-free opportunity. If we don’t deliver results, you pay nothing!Book your free call now!